FLIPPED LECTURE- The History of the Internet: Browser Wars

This documentary entitled “Browser Wars” details the competition between Microsoft and Netscape during the 1990s over the launch and development of the Internet browser.

The documentary begins with the host making some grand statements about the prevalence of the Internet by describing it as one of the biggest and greatest developments in technology that the world has ever seen.

It tells the story from both Netscape’s and Microsoft’s point of view by consulting people that were involved at the time. The story however essentially follows Netscape rise and downfall by beginning with the launch of the first Internet browser Mosaic and ending with them being sold to AOL.

At the time of the mid 90s Microsoft was the computer software giant and their leader and founder Bill Gates was a formidable and competitive force to be reckoned with. However when a bunch of university students launched the first Internet browser and had a five million dollar backing from Jim Clarke they emerged as one of Microsoft’s biggest threats. Their software had massive growth and soon Microsoft arranged a meeting of which what actually happened is widely debated. Microsoft claims it was collaborative and harmonious while Netscape claims that Microsoft threatened them. Within the year they went public with their business a feat essentially unknown on Wall Street. They made massive profits but struggled to make money from their actual product and did not have the reserve to keep up with Microsoft. Before this however there was race for best internet browser where both companies were trash talking each other and had a “code more or die” attitude. When Microsoft retaliated with the launch of Internet Explorer, an app free with their software Netscape lost the browser war.

The issue surrounding this flipped lecture is the power of monopoly on the Internet landscape. According to Netscape and an investigation from the federal government Gates broke laws in attaining his monopoly in the computer world. Allegedly he threatened other companies with breaking their deals should they become involved with Netscape. This issue still has a role in the contemporary internet landscape with the domination of Apple.

When I googled browser wars to get more information on this topic it came up with a series of articles of the modern day battle. There are more competitors in the market with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and still Internet Explorer however they are not searching for dominance just in PC’s or Mac’s. instead the modern browser wars includes making the browsers suitable and compatible for mobile devices and combining the features of the browsers to collaborate well with the apps.

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